Interested in the Catholic faith?
Let us accompany you on your journey to a loving relationship with Jesus Christ. Please call Cheryl Kirkland at 412-351-6710 for more information.
A sacrament is defined as 'an outward sign instituted by Christ to give us grace.' We are invited to take part in the gifts of the Seven Sacraments throughout our Journey of Faith. There are sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation, eucharist), sacrament of healing (reconciliation, anointing the sick), and sacraments of vocation (holy orders, matrimony).
Matthew 28:19 - Instituted by Christ.
Prior to having your child baptized both parents must attend a pre-baptismal seminar.
Please contact the parish office 412-271-0809 to register.
Mark 2:7 - Only God has the power to forgive sins but He exercises this power through men.
Reconciliation (also referred to as Confession or Penance) is the means by which God forgives sins after baptism. See Confession Times under Liturgy, or anytime with appointment.
Acts 8:14-17 - Laying of the hands
Confirming your faith and renewing your baptismal promise.
Luke 16:18 - As a constitution between a man and a woman
Matrimony (also referred to as Marriage) is the union of a man and a woman as a whole with God's blessings.By appointment. During your wedding planning process, please contact the parish office at
412-271-0809 at least six months ahead of your desired date to reserve the date and make an initial
appointment to begin the pre-marriage process.
1 Tim 5:17,19-22 - Bishops and Priests
Holy Orders is the sacrament when a person dedicates their entire lives to serving the Lord.Matt 8:17 - Strength from the Holy Spirit
Brings spiritual strength during a chronic illness. Please call the parish office at
412-271-0809 to arrange for an anointing.